Post game analysis

Provides the same kind of post game analysis as Scoredle, but with more information.

An alternative front end to Moredle that uses a Wordle like grid and on screen keyboard.

Even Moredle
You can use this tool like Moredle, but you can also see what our bots would do.

Game Difficulty
Generates a difficulty score card for any historic game.

Starter analysis

Score Card
Generates a ranking score card for any potential starter word.

Starter Ranking
Lists the top starter words ranked by one of five different metrics (or overall).

Second String
Ranks the second guess words remaining for each group by any combination of our five different metrics.


A tool to solve any Wordle solution offering five different methods for picking guesses.

Solver Next Steps
Given a solution and an initial set of guesses, see how our five scoring methods can be used to complete the game.

Historic Results
The number of guesses Solver took for historic games.

Pillar Results
The number of guesses Solver takes for pillars of doom.

WordleBot Comparison
Compare Solver and WordleBot results.

WordleBot All Solutions Comparison
Solver results for all known solutions using entropy and and WordleBot word lists.

How Solver works
A description of how Solver goes about solving for a given solution.

Other tools

Pattern Matcher
Finds solutions matching patterns.

Letter Stats
Shows letter frequency statistics.

Letter Ranking
Shows letter rankings by frequency of occurrence.

Double Trouble
Shows words with double (or more) letters.

Pillars of Doom
Shows troublesome patterns and the words associated with them.

Weighted WordleBot words
The full list of WordleBot words with their weightings.

Check NYT for word list changes
Checks to see if NYT has made any changes to its word lists.