WordleBot All Solutions Comparison

How Solver compares to WordleBot in hard mode across all known solutions for a limited list of recorded starter words.

WordleBot tells us its average scores.
The Solver results are generated by solving all known solutions (less a few that WordleBot refuses to acknowledge).

WordleBot Solver
Starter Average Average Failures
STALE 3.71 3.60 13
STARE 3.71 3.62 11
RAISE 3.71 3.66 16
TRACE 3.68 3.59 11
BRUTE 3.76 3.69 12
DEALT 3.68 3.61 8
LEAST 3.70 3.59 12
SLATE 3.69 3.58 12
PLATE 3.67 3.62 13
CARLE 3.69 3.60 11
SALET 3.69 3.57 13
TARSE 3.66 3.58 9