Various tools allow you to control the dictionary that is used when scoring or ranking starter words and when picking guesses.
Generally, we are interested in using the list of solutions, but we know that WordleBot uses its own dictionary of potential solutions.
Solutions | Wordle's list of solutions. |
WordleBot words |
WordleBot uses two dictionaries: 1. A dictionary that it assumes are potential solutions. 2. A dictionary from which it selects guesses. The second list is the same as the first, but additionally has a bunch of plurals ending in S (which are assigned a weighting of zero). |
All words |
All the words that Wordle will accept as a valid guess. Note: While Solver is capable of solving games using the full dictionary, the amount of processing to do so on the fly is not conducive to a responsive website. Solver will not, therefore, allow you to use this dictionary in any requests. |